
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Yesterday and Tomorrow

I wore this turtleneck yesterday. And I’ll wear these leggings (really my running pants) tomorrow (to run 10 miles). I’m resolving to do less laundry in 2012.

Sweater, Bloch. Turtleneck, Mossimo. Dress, thrifted and gifted. Leggings, Reebok. Boots, Vince Camuto. Necklace, thrifted and painted. Belt, thrifted. Bag, Allstate Leather (gift).

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. That knit dress is adorable, I love it with your OTK boots. I think those have proven to be invaluably versatile.

  2. Cool belt. And, of course, necklace (as I mentioned in my comment for the last post :)

  3. Less laundry sounds good to me, black pants are extremely versatile as you've shown us time and again :)

  4. love the thrifted and painted necklace--did you use spray paint? Were the beads wood or plastic?
    I must know so I can try something like this!

  5. Mary - I think the beads were plastic. I spraypainted them white (a few coats) and then used neon orange and neon green spraypaint. I don't know yet if it will flake!


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