
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Purchases

I had leopard-mania in Feb!


1. Vanilla star leopard print skinny denim in tan and gray, 2 x $22.99 = $45.98. Love!

These are out of stock on line, but if you purchase from the store - be sure to try on each color. I found that the gray colorway is a looser fit than tan.

2. Mossimo Paisley platform pumps in cheetah, $29.99.

I was looking for a pair of spotted cat print pumps this month and tried on a pair at Target. I wasn’t sure about the crazy high heel and platform, but Beefy convinced me to buy them. With bare feet, these wear well, but with tights, I had to use an insert to prevent my feet from sliding down in the shoes. I’m not too happy with the solution, since the insert doesn’t want to stay put, but I might like these more once I can go bare-legged again.

Keller’s Cheviot Cafe

Keller’s bar is across the street from The Drama Workshop’s new home in the former Glenmore Bowl. Beefy had a building committee meeting for TDW, so I killed time at Keller’s with beer and crossword puzzles (on my Nook). After two beers, I bought a shirt.

3. Keller’s Cheviot Cafe tee, $5

I’m not really a t-shirt person, but I love this one! The fit, color, and softness are so wonderful. I told Beefy I’m never washing it, so that it never loses its shape. He looked less than thrilled.

February total: $80.97

Total spending for the year: $255.98


  1. Oh my goodness!!! You spent less than $100 :D

  2. Oh,Kasmira! Time for the moleskin: it cuts out,very soft and u can cut it to size and stikc it to the heel.
    Call me when ur in Chevoit! I'll drink my little 1/3 beer with ya!

  3. I have to second Retro Reva on the miracle that is moleskin. It cures all sorts of shoe problems.


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