
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Starts With A "K"

The first letter of one’s name is the most important.

When I’m introduced to someone, I’ll most likely forget their name within 30 seconds, but I’ll remember what letter it started with. For example, the man I met in the YWCA sauna today was either Bob or Bill, but it definitely was a “B” name. (The terrible part about this story is that this guy is my neighbor and I’ve met him before. I have a special name amnesia.)

There is power in that first letter. Today, I’m delighted to share my first letter with Katniss, from the Hunger Games. And I dressed in a Katniss-inspired manner.

Jacket, H&M (thrifted). Tee, Jones New York (thrifted). Jeans, Vanilla Star. Bag, Mossimo. Boots, Vince Camuto. Necklace, Urban Outfitters.

I had to keep a little of my own “K” in the mix, so I opted for a printed top and bottom.

Katniss’ braid is the inside-out variety, but I’m not very practiced at that variation. Switching hands half-way around my head was enough challenge for me.

If you like the Hunger Games trilogy, check out these series:

- The Uglies, by Scott Westerfield
- Maze Runner, by James Dashner
- Birthmarked, by Caragh M. O’Brien
- Matched, by Ally Condie and Allyson Braithwaite Condie

And if you like some zombies with your teen dystopian fiction:

- Rot & Ruin, by Jonathan Maberry


  1. You forgot "Divergent" by Veronica Roth! Also soon to be a movie from what I hear!

  2. Love the hair!
    You did it yourself?

    XO Arezu

  3. I don't know if you have seen this:

    Thanks for the recommendations!

  4. Lindsey - I'll check that out.

    Arezu - I did do it myself!

  5. I really like this look. Super cool boots. Your braid is beautiful!

  6. Oh look at you gettin all librarian on us :) Great recommendations. I'm reading Delirium right now, love Hunger Games, Uglies, Maze Runner and Matched so I'll try Birthmarked and Divergent. The Rot and Ruin series has a new on out... can't remember is it Dust and Decay maybe?? Anywho love the outfit. My hubs made me a Mockingjay tee to wear. It's on my pinterest. Are you on Pinterest?

  7. ...what if a name starts with punctuation marks?

  8. Dust and Decay is the sequel to Rot and Ruin. I'm not on Pinterest...although I've been invited. Your tee sounds too cute!

  9. ...bill - even better!

  10. Claire2:02 AM

    Definitely have to second the Divergent recommendation. It's not AS good as The Hunger Games, but its main character is similarly strong. I'm always happy when I see a great female character in a YA novel :)

  11. Interesting observation about remembering first names, for some reason when I say someone's name, I always spell it my mind, although that doesn't seem to help me remember them any Because my mom named me just plain Kathy, my whole life I've had to say and that's Kathy with a K. I wonder how Ms. Collins came up with the name Katniss? It is an interesting name as is Kasmira.

  12. Book rec if you love zombies and want to BE PREPARED - World War Z by Max Brooks. Aka My Favorite Book. Also being made into a movie... and they BEST not mess it up!

  13. OMG you look AMAZING!!! I love love love everything about this look and you are totally Katniss. I loved the Hunger Games, so I will definitely check out your recommendations.


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