
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Cuffs and Collar

I wish more dresses had crisp cuffs and collars. I make do by wearing a button-front shirt under my favorite dresses, with just the cuffs and collar exposed.

Dress, Muse (gift from a reader). Shirt, Worthington (thrifted). Shoes, Lela Rose for Payless. Bag, D&G knockoff (thrifted). Necklace, vintage.

Beefy loves how the dress pattern seems to make an owl where it meets in the center of the vee. (He doesn’t care a whit about the collar or cuffs.)


  1. This dress is terrific and you wear it to perfection.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    This is absolutely gorgeous - the colors, the length, the shape all suit you perfectly! well done!

    Nan in Mpls

  3. It DOES look like an owl! I love how the front of this dress gathers - so flattering.

    The mustard-y shirt is the perfect complement. Lovely, Kasmira!

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Gorgeous color combination! I like your idea of putting the shirt under the dress. I would have never thought of it. You look great!

  5. I love this dress every time you wear it, but this time I searched for Muse dress on ebay and happened to find one just like it. Soon I will have my own!

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Looking good!

  7. Marvelous !
    I do like the owl on the dress and the necklace. Its like it came alive!

  8. I always love your shirt and dress layered outfits. The cuffs and collars add a sharp element to the look. Also squee! I love the pattern that turned into an owl. I would never unsee it!


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