
Tuesday, May 01, 2012


It was just starting to rain when we took these photos in the Reading Garden. The downpour strengthened to a monsoon by the time Colette and I left the library to head to City Cellars’ Tuesday wine tasting. As we walked, we joked about being part of a wet sari scene in a Bollywood film. (My skirt is Thai, not Indian, but the pattern is similar to one you might see on a sari.)

Jacket, Forever 21. Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, Thailand. Bag, knockoff D&G (thrifted). Tassel pendant, Epcot Morocco. Arrowhead pendants, thrifted. Bracelets, Deb, Claire's, and Target. Shoes, NY & Co.

When we left City Cellars, the storm had intensified. Despite large umbrellas, we were quickly soaked from the thigh down. (Wading through ankle deep water along the curb didn’t help.) We developed Medusa hair. Worst of all, the paper bag holding my wine purchase lost integrity and a bottle of pinot noir smashed to the sidewalk. I was a sad sight, grieving over my fast-diluting wine in a wet, clinging skirt and frizzy hair in the driving rain.

The women in the wet sari scenes always seem to be delighted by the experience, but they are totally faking it.

Photos by Colette Thomas


  1. Such a bummer about your wine! But you look fab!

  2. We have had the same weather here in England, but with the added bonus of low temperatures, today is it 48f. Love the wrap skirt, how do you stop it revealing too much leg?

  3. Sarah - this wrap skirt has a very wide overlap (it wraps around my body a bit more than 1.5 times), so I'd have to do some real gymnastics to reveal my legs! But I usually wear a long slip underneath, too.

  4. I love all the primary colours in this!

    So sad about your wine...darned paper bags!

  5. Love the jacket - amazing colour

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I've been following along quite some time now, but today I couldn't help it. Those colors are stunning. Love the skirt, glad you kept it!!!

  7. This is a remarkable outfit. LIke.

  8. Boo for the broken wine bag! :(

    But your outfit totally rocks :)

  9. Gorgeous -- I think this is my favorite outfit you've created with this skirt.


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