
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cray Cray

I’ve been told my outfits look a little like something a crazy person would wear. Well, I can explain. I AM crazy. Joyously crazy. And I don’t want to get better.

Dress, Giorgio Fiorlani (thrifted). Shirt, Nollie (thrifted). Moccasins, Minnetonka. Bag, Nicole Lee. Earrings, Monica D. Necklace, gift. Bracelet, thrifted. Rings, vintage and gift.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35 mm 1:1.8G lens


  1. Jillian11:08 AM

    Yay! We love your Cray Cray! The world needs more of it!

  2. "Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." ~Cecil Beaton

    Keep up the good work


  3. I find your style pretty and colorful and not even a little bit "crazy" or even the least bit strange.

    Good thing you're coming to'll fit like a round peg out here. Expressive fashion is encouraged here.

  4. It wouldn't even occur to me to think your outfits are crazy.

  5. Being normal is overrated. Let the crazy flag fly!

  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Why would we want to look at gray pencil skirts paired with pastel twinsets? I come here to see the unique and inspired. It might not be what I would choose but it us sort of like flipping through a fashion mag. It is inspiring and I can use the parts that work for me! Also is the ring that is a "gift" your engagement ring?

  7. I see the logic in your pattern mixing. Does this mean I'm cray cray too? Keep on keeping on with the cray cray please.

  8. Anon - yes, I'm wearing one of my engagement rings. I tried to take a picture of all 3 yesterday, but it turned out awful! I'll try again and get a dedicated post drafted.

  9. I love this outfit! It's so fun! Pattern mixing is so popular right now and you are rocking it! That dress is a beautiful color!

  10. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Why 3 engagement rings? Has he been collecting them? Actually I think your outfits are prettier now than when I first started reading you. (about 3 yrs ago)

    erma in


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