
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sporty Sunday: Pikes Peak Finisher

I finished the Pikes Peak Ascent! And I was only one minute slower than I predicted (prediction: 5:15). I blame that extra minute on a stop for a beer with the Hash House Harriers on the Golden Stairs.

I had an awesome time. The altitude didn’t hold me back a bit. (But the vertical trail perhaps slowed me down a little.) The views were incredible and the people were inspiring. And the donuts at the top were delicious.

I do not know that man in the background. But now his butt is forever immortalized on my blog.

I felt great afterwards with only some soreness in my knees. (To be expected after pounding my legs on unforgiving granite.) Today, my hamstrings are sore but not cripplingly so.

I’ll review my experience in more detail next Sunday. I need some time to go through the photos and figure out how to capture the experience in words.

I’m alive, well, and will be back to outfit photos today!

Sporty Sunday is a recurring feature in which I share my fitness routine and offer and solicit advice. While this content might seem a little out of place in an outfit diary, a healthy, strong body is the foundation of my wardrobe. I hope to inspire my readers to be fit as well as stylish!


  1. YAY FOR YOU!!!!!

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Congrats, you are an inspiration :)

  3. That''s awesome! Congratulations!!

  4. Congratulations! You must be in incredible shape.

  5. Wow, that's quite an accomplishment! Not a lot of oxygen at that altitude. Congratulations!!

  6. glad to see that smile....I guess you didn't need that much O2!

  7. You should be incredibly proud for your stamina and drive. Woman hear me Roar is your song....

  8. That is completely awesome...congratulations! I'm considering this as a future race so I am very curious to read more about your experience!

  9. Sandy3:18 AM

    I have lurked around your blog for years (maybe 2?). I got a new computer and didn't manage to save any of my bookmarks, and also because I'm terrible at remembering anything I couldn't find your blog again (didn't remember your name either). Then today, in my hungover state your name came back to me. I googled Kasmira blog and you were the first hit. And so now I'm awake for an extra hour browsing through what I've missed. Excited to have you back!

    Oh, and congrats on Pike's Peak!

  10. Congratulations, Kasmira! I'm looking forward to the pics!

  11. Ranjita3:02 AM

    Congratulations! This is very inspiring!

  12. congrats you!

    (I went up Mt. Hood last week. It was via a ski lift, but that's kind of the same, right? No, it's not at all that same... :)


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