
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Swish Swash

I felt super ladylike with this full skirt and silk scarf swishing in the breeze.

Jacket, Forever 21. Dress, Jones New York. Scarf, Calypso St Barth for Target. Purse, Charming Charlie. Shoes, BCBGeneration. Earrings, Target (spraypainted by me). Rings gift and vintage. Bangles, Target.

The ladylike feeling ended when I finished the long walk to my music teacher’s house. I discovered that the friction between my computer bag and dress had caused the skirt to creep up with every step. I’m not sure how much of my backside was exposed, but it was certainly more than I would have liked. The breeze sure felt nice, though.


  1. hey at least if you were flashing people its a nice little rump to be showing!

  2. Lol, I hate when that happens! On my walk to work today, my layered underskirt worked its way up to my waist. Thank goodness the outer layer stayed in place!

    I love this look - the hot pink looks wonderful with the zebra.

  3. Oh so pretty. Love it!

  4. Gorgeous! I love the full skirt, the zebra print, the hot pink scarf, the turquoise shoes . . . And I have that Target bangle!


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