
Monday, September 24, 2012

Little Cats

I’m leaving for California a few weeks before the kitties will. What will I do without them?

Sweater, Mossimo. Skirt, No Boundaries (thrifted). Boots, Matisse. Scarf, thrifted. Tights, Stocking Diva. Legwarmers, Apostrophe. Earrings, Claire’s.

Since I can’t take kitty cuddles with me, I’m taking lots of photos to moon over.

We only have four cats. (Roy is pictured twice. Once with Sam and once with a pile of wilted catnip.)

Actually, the count is creeping towards five since a stray black kitten has adopted us. But we will be finding another home for her.


  1. Aw, poor you and poor kitties to be separated! Love the pictures.

    Great outfit - love the faux leather on you!

  2. They're so cute!!! >_<

  3. Hi Kashmira, I never comment but I follow your blog religiously. Today your last photo reminded me of a strange Japanese movie I saw on a plane recently, translated as "rent-a-cat". It was strange, but very cute, if you have a chance, see if you can get your hands on it for lonely kitten-less hours. Or rent a cat!

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Your kitties are lovely! I would also suffer if I had to be apart from my doggies.

  5. I see a kitty belly that needs rubbing! Aww so cute. I saw your tweet with the stray. Hope you find a good home for (her). I'm still sad I have to leave my cats with my mom until the DH and I get ourselves an apartment to have kitties at.

  6. Hello lovely! I hope Sacramento can handle awesome you! I hope I get to meet you when I visit my hometown.

    Wishing you a smooth and wrinkle free move. -Bella Q

  7. Your crazy tights and that scarf are in love with each other, I tell you. And they make a perfect couple.

  8. So adorable! I know you will miss them but I'm sure Beefy will take wonderful care of them :)

  9. I'll miss this porch!


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