
Friday, September 14, 2012


Lately, I’ve seen a lot of internet chatter about fall. Folks are looking forward to cozy sweaters, fires, hot chocolate, pumpkins, and fallen leaves. Personally, I’m looking forward to wearing more pleather.

Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, No Boundaries (thrifted). Boots, Style & Co (thrifted). Sunglasses, Girlprops. Earrings, vintage. Belt, Lucky (thrifted). Rings, heirloom, vintage, and gift. Bag, Go Jane.

Fake leather is just too gross to wear during a humid summer. I had to put it away until dry, cool days returned.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho with the Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 35 mm 1:1.8G lens.


  1. This is a cute outfit on you. I am curious: are you against wearing leather? It's much more comfortable than pleather, softer and if thrifted, can be way cheaper. I've seen what happens to PVC/pleather over time - it gets sticky and dissolves. Yuck!

  2. I prefer leather, but won't turn down well made fake leather.

  3. I love the colour combinations of blue and grey, the tights work so well also with the look.

  4. Hooray for pleather! I love this look!

  5. side note: I can't believe they tacked that historical marker right on the front of the granite... =\

  6. ...bill - I totally agree! Unattractive placement.

  7. Veronica10:03 AM

    So cute!


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