
Friday, October 19, 2012

Lines of Power

Is it just me, or are there a lot of heavy-duty power lines in Sacramento? It seems I’m always looking up to find the source of an electric crackle.

Top, Love on a Hanger. Skirt, Travis Ayers (thrifted). Shoes, thrifted. Bag, Go Jane. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Scarf, Calypso St Barth for Target. Bracelets, Deb, thrifted, and gift. Rings, Black Hills Gold and Puzzrollrings.

While I’m a little afraid of frying my brains as I stand beneath the charged cables, the structures do add nice lines to my portraits.

The towers are even more impressive in the uncropped version of my lead photo. But then my outfit is harder to see. And this is a style blog, not a power line blog. Yet.


  1. In California, they aren't allowed to bury power lines underground, as they do in many parts of Cincinnati and the East in general. So you do see more. But it does give your photos an interesting industrial style. :-) Hope you're doing well in CA!

  2. So pretty...simple and classic with a modern twist. I love the lace peplum top.


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