
Thursday, December 20, 2012


The folks at my neighborhood Starbucks think my name is Molly.

They may think that because I told them so. In fact, I tell the staff at Panera the same thing. “Molly” is easier than repeating “Kasmira” three times and then spelling it out.

Blazer, J Crew. Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, American Eagle (thrifted). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglasses, Betsey Johnson. Necklace, Macy’s. Scarf, gift from Londyn. Rings, Black Hills Gold, Puzzrollrings, and vintage.

Sometimes I’m caught when the cashier takes a closer look at the name on my debit card. Then, I have to awkwardly explain the deception.


  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That's a wonderful colour combination, Molly! :)

  2. Well, for some reason I have always tied the name "Molly" to red heads.... so it totally suits you.
    Maybe you can say your name is "K".
    AND your pictures are always fab but these ones have a certain charm to them.

  3. Ha! I have a "coffee name" too. Even with a fairly ordinary name like mine, in a busy, noisy environment people can't seem to pronounce or spell it. The name has to be short and predictable.

  4. Oh, I LOVE this outfit - the colour mix really rings my bell. The big accessories are lovely.

    I never get that with my name - it's one of those ones that everyone knows and not everyone has.

  5. Marta1:57 PM

    Hah hah! Why don't you just tell them your name is "Cass"? More similar.

    I love the color of your tights, and how they go with your red-orange jacket.

  6. Marta - I dislike my nicknames, because of all the awful rhymes my schoolmates made up with them. At least Molly doesn't rhyme with much.

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Golly, Molly! I use that same name as my own going-out name. Total strangers don't need to know my real name. Besides, using a pseudonym can be fun!

  8. If you use a My Panera card, it automatically puts your name in the system. :) Can't help you with Starbucks though.

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Love the colors!

    I feel your pain. An old boyfriend and I both have challenging last names. When we'd go to a restaurant, he'd give his last name as "Byrd." (He was going to/had been to Antarctica and had studied all the Antarctic explorers.) DH and I have taken to giving a first name. At least people get my first name right if I spell it. :-)

  10. i tell people at starbucks my name is ...william.

    (it was great seeing your posts in Cincy, but your blog might be even funner/funnier now that you're way out west:)

  11. ...bill - you are so outrageous! Telling people your name is William? Unbelievable!

  12. Anonymous8:35 PM

    So,since you brought the name thing up,I have to ask...are you named after someone?If you've already covered this in the blog and I missed it,I apologize.

    Heidi in L.A.

  13. Anonymous9:14 PM

    LOLOL People think my name is Camera. I patiently explain no, Tamera--just sounds like camera and then they say Tah-Mare-Ah?? Whatever. Not half as funny as my poor husband--who's name is Lauren (Which used to be a guys name)The looks he gets!!

    Love your outlfit--that is an awesome color combo!
    and the first pin to my new blog fashion inspiration board!

  14. I have an unusual name too, and hate restaurants where I have to give it for my order! Sometimes I try a pseudonym, but then I forget what it was when they call it out! Maybe I need a go-to name like your Molly...

  15. The story behind my name is here:

  16. You are famous for pattern mixing, but this ensemble's tones are telling such a wonderful story! LOVE. ("Lola" is my coffee name. My real name is simple, but for some reason, people can't hear or spell "Carmen" and the Kinks wrote that catchy tune that helps people spell "Lola.")

  17. As a "Holly", I got tired of being "Polly", "Dolly", or "Molly". It took me 29 years to realize that "Holly. Like, Hollywood." works wonders - even internationally!

    My husband (Kee-Min) is not so lucky - he goes by "K" in these situations, which usually gets written as "Kay", and there's a gender awkward moment...

  18. haha. and i totally become william again when i travel. =]

  19. My last name is the problem - everyone always thinks they can pronounce it better than I can. My only problem with my first name is that I have to be careful to say "I'm Dave" rather than "My name is Dave," because with the latter people usually think I said Steve.

    Love the red tights there, absolutely beautiful. :)

  20. Anonymous3:01 AM

    That's odd- my name is actually Molly and often I have to repeat it at least once to strangers. I always get "Polly", "Lolly", "Dolly" or "Holly". I've had to make a habit of saying "Molly with an M", and even then that somehow ended up as "Polym" on my Starbucks cup.

  21. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I thought I was the only one!
    My name is Divya but if I have to give a name to be shouted out I always give Kevin, my husbands name. Its easy to understand and pronounce and it will grab my attention no matter what is going on around me.

  22. I do the same thing. Sadly, "Meredith" is really complicated for some people. AND it's 3 syllables long. WOAH. So I opt for Ann, my middle name. Yep. Easy peasy.


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