
Thursday, January 10, 2013


I was so comfortable today. This sweater and dress combo skims, but does not bind. The boots are wonderfully broken in with a low heel. The sunshine was enjoyable on my skin and hair. And my muscles were pleasantly tired from swim practice this morning. (I’ve returned to the pool after a break of almost four months!)

Sweater, The Limited. Dress, swap. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Earrings, Native American store at the Three Rivers Mall. Scarf, thrifted. Cuff, Target. Rings, Black Hills Gold, Puzzrollrings, and vintage. Bag, Fossil (gift).


  1. I just "Ooo'd" and "Ahhh'd" over the closures on your sweater! :o)

  2. Love to hear that you are back in the pool. Also enjoying the skirt + boots combo. I'm living in tropical climes these days, so living vicariously through your boot selections. :)

  3. oh's torture....every time you wear those boots I'm reminded of that one time I saw them online & passed up the chance to buy them. I stinkin' love them. Great look!

  4. Ooh, I really like this outfit, especially how the olive boots pulls out the greeny shade in the clasps of the cardi and the olive in the scarf. I'm glad you went with blue tights too - it's so nicely balanced to my eye.

  5. LizOnTheHill (blogless)1:05 PM

    Gorgeous outfit! Such a fun combination.

  6. that sweater is still one of my favorites of all time!


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