
Thursday, January 17, 2013

No Remote

I’m pretty good about remembering all my tech gear when I leave the house: iPad, two phones, ipod, MiFi, camera (with memory card and charged battery), and remote. But I still slip up on occasion. Today: no camera remote.

Blazer, Fang. Shirt, Moda International. Skirt, Hauber Sporting Life (thrifted). Tights, We Love Colors. Booties, Style & Co. Scarf, gift from Londyn. Bag, Fossil (gift).

My remote-less strategy is to place my purse where I plan to pose, focus the camera on the purse, lock the focus (putting the lens on manual), set the timer, and dash! This process was made even lengthier today by challenging light conditions. These pictures are in the fourth location I tried. After all that dashing, I was a little disheveled.


  1. Great skirt!

    I love hearing how you overcome your camera challenges! Those are awesome pics considering you had to run for the timer!

  2. statechick12:00 PM

    Is the jacket velvet?

    1. It's velvetish. It has a luxe nap but it isn't stiff.

  3. i think u did great!

  4. If by "disheveled" you mean "adorable"...

    1. I'm glad someone finds my mussed hair adorable!

  5. You are a Californian now; mussed hair is a lifestyle.


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