
Monday, January 28, 2013

You Know What I Mean

I can’t take credit for my hair. I was professionally colored, cut, and styled as a hair model for an event. It sure looks awesome, though!

Jacket, Forever 21. Dress, Bebe. Boots, Rampage. Sunglasses, Girlprop. Necklace, Serket Jewelry.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho.


  1. i love this cut and it suits u very well!!!

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Yes, you are rite, it is awesome--cute outfit too.
    Calif must be agreeing with you--you looking great.

    tx erma

  3. I've considered being a hair model at a hair show before, but if the stylist decides to shave half your head you can't refuse. Now my Sister (The Stylist) has needed a hair model a couple of times, and I would trust her to do whatever she wanted. So were you a model for someone you can trust? :o)

    1. Yes, I was a model for the company I work for and the stylist is a coworker. But, I have to admit that I wouldn't have cared if she shaved half my head!

  4. Your hair really does look fantastic!

  5. Great dress! I love the hair as well - very sleek and sexy.

    I like the coat/jacket, although I find that shape really difficult on me.

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    You are seriously killing it with the hair! Love!

  7. Anonymous6:27 PM

    This outfit is very, very sexy. The hair is great!

  8. Your hair looks amazing and you look so beautiful! Love this sexy look on you!


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