
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Birds and Breakfast

This morning, Beefy and I participated in the annual Birds and Breakfast event at Effie Yeaw Nature Preserve. Our tour guide took us on a two hour walk through the preserve where we spotted a house wren, deer, wild turkeys, turkey vultures, red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks, an Anna’s hummingbird, killdeer, common merganser, great egrets, snowy egrets, oak titmice, and a lesser goldfinch. Unfortunately, pictures of all these creatures are on Beefy’s camera. Here’s what’s on mine:

Jacket, Laundry by Shelli Segal. Shirt, Mossimo (thrifted). Jeans, Vanilla Star. Boots, Vince Camuto. Sunglasses, Target. Fingerless gloves, made by Beefy’s grandmother.

Yeah, we see all these fabulous animals on the walk and I come back with only a picture of myself. I did photograph this little guy, at the visitor center, afterwards:

He’s a red-shouldered hawk.

Photo of me by Beefy Muchacho.


  1. Both are fabulous photos!

  2. Elizabeth10:41 AM

    I love your outfit, and I'm always so interested to read about the birds you see. I don't often get to read about two of my interests (fashion and birding) together. Your blog is the best!

  3. I love all these prints! This is fabulous :)


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