
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Like a Lion

We’ve had some windy, cool, March-y weather here of late. While the breeze and peek-a-boo sun make for some dynamic photos, I’m ready for lamb weather.

Jacket, BSB Jeans (thrifted). Dress, Bar III. Tights, B. Ella. Boots, Miz Mooz. Earrings, self-made. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Brooch, swap. Bag, Fossil (gift).


  1. Just be glad you aren't in Cincy anymore...we just had 3 to 5 inches of snow dump down yesterday! My kids had their first snow day of the year... in March! Love your new hair!

  2. This outfit just draws me in!

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Oh! I have missed those boots! They are one of my favorite of yours! Nice hair cut and your new pup is total adorableness!!! sp :)

  4. Loving the dress!


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