
Friday, May 17, 2013

Cover Shoot

This covered bridge is such an awesome spot for photos: interesting backdrop, low-traffic location, perfect light, and (mostly) protection from the elements. The wind still makes its way through the missing boards. Sometimes the breeze makes for great photos.

Jacket, London Jeans. Shirt, New York & Co. Skirt, Chaus Sport (thrifted). Shoes, Nine West. Necklace, Serket Jewelry. Rings, vintage, gift, heirloom, and/or thrifted. Bag, Go Jane.

And sometimes not so great.


  1. Hi Kasmira!!!
    You look great and I see Cali is treating u well :)
    Bet it's a world apart from the Natti and good for you,LOL!
    Miss ya ;)

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Wonderful outfit! You are so creative with style and color. And you are definitely not afraid to laugh at yourself! Such a funny last pic!
    sp :)

  3. What a brilliant colour combination.

  4. It makes me sooooooo happy that you shared the "not so great"! It makes up for my envy over your rings. :o)

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