
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let Me Entertain You

I’m afraid I’m not providing much entertainment with today’s outfit. What can I say? On a Tuesday, after a four-day weekend catching up with a Marine Corps friend I hadn’t seen in 10 years, I’m doing well to wear two shoes that match.

Jacket, London Jeans. Dress, Muse (gift from reader). Shoes, Lela Rose for Payless. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, Epcot Morocco. Watch, Geneva. Bag, thrifted.

The weekend was entertainment, enough. Beefy enjoyed hearing our Marine Corps stories. Erica and I caught up over multiple glasses of wine, beer, champagne, vodka+vitamin water (?!), and ill-considered shots of Jagermeister. Jasper, though, was the star of the weekend. He ran around Erica’s large, wild yard, spent TWO nights away from home, fetched reliably for the first time, and swam in the American River (with a sea lion!) When the humans tired, we always found watching Jasper to be entertaining.

A few Jasper snaps from the weekend (although, none, unfortunately, of the swimming):

Who wouldn't want to watch this dog?


  1. What a cutie!!!!!!
    great shots :)

  2. Jasper has grown to be one adorable dog. The last photo is particularly sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Awwww, love Jasper! And yay, he can catch a frisbee. Still working on that with my 4 month old pup. Love your outfit too -
    Linda L.

  4. Awww What a pretty sweet boy! I think you look nicely put together. I love your green jacket and gorgeous yellow heels.


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