
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Est. 1975

I had a birthday recently. I didn’t really get a chance to celebrate. I’m doing the Whole30, so there was no alcohol and no sweets. Beefy made it special with some lovely gifts, but, DAMN, a lady needs chocolate and wine on her birthday.

Indulgences will have to wait, but I’m celebrating the decade of my birth with some 70’s inspiration today. (Although, the coat is really more 60’s than 70’s.)

Dress, swap. Vest, Changing Scene (thrifted). Tights, B. Ella. Shoes, Sole Obsession. Earrings, Pangaea. Coat, Lilli Ann (vintage). Bag, Canvas Boutique.


  1. Happy birthday, Kasmira. I really enjoy your blog!!

  2. I'm glad you're celebrating now. Happy birthday!!

    This look makes me feel like I'm watching an old movie - you look stunning.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I just completed Whole30. My life will never be the same! I get sick if I eat any gluten products now. It was a change for the better. :)

  4. I am googling Whole 30
    and your jacket is a garment I always like to admire.


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