
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Sweater

Yes, I’m wearing this knit jacket, AGAIN! It’s so Christmas-y, though, so I had to wear it on Christmas Adam, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

Sweater, Chaps. Turtleneck, Gap (swap). Skirt, London Jean. Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Dan Post. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, California State Fair. Bag, Nine West. Belt, thrifted.

Beefy had to work Christmas day, so present opening was delayed until late afternoon. In the meantime, Jasper and I had a nice, long run along the river, we all (Jasper, my sister, Natasha, and I) ate donuts for breakfast, and then we spent some time at the dog park:

Finally, we opened gifts (I got a skateboard!), ate chinese, and saw Frozen. It was a pretty great Christmas day.

1 comment:

  1. Today's my fave combo because you match Jasper, the ultimate accessory.


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