
Friday, February 21, 2014

Sac Fashion Week 2014: Friday

I had originally planned to wear a different outfit to Friday night’s show, but it exposed a slice of bare midriff and I chickened out at the last moment. Instead, I bared my arms and legs. (But I wore a jacket most of the evening because the venue was a little chilly for bare arms. Somehow, bare legs never bothers me as much.)

Dress, JMC (thrifted and vintage). Shoes, Prabal Gurung for Target. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Earrings, Cuffs. Jacket, INC (consignment). Bag, Carlos Santana.

Backstage glimpses of some of the incredible hair and makeup from Friday night:

You can see my photos from the show here: Sacramento Fashion Week (I will continue to update this set. Currently, it has photos through Friday night.)


  1. You look stunning and what a fun event!!

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Fabulous! You look so chic! I actually gasped when I scrolled down and saw the full picture.


  3. Fawkesguy10:25 AM

    Yay, the gams are back! You look great, as always. :-)


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