
Sunday, March 09, 2014

Sporty Sunday: Hiking Humbug Creek - South Yuba Trail (Part 1)

The Humbug Creek - South Yuba Trails hike is another point to point that I’m hiking as two out and backs. We happened to hike the South Yuba Trail portion of the hike on Sunday, which was fortuitous because the Humbug Creek Trail is currently closed due to a damaged bridge. If you do the same hike, starting at the South Yuba Trailhead, be aware that you are hiking the trail backwards of the description in the book (i.e. you are starting at the described “finish”).

This is a great lowland hike for early spring. It’s easily accessible. The river and its tributaries are flowing well. The trail is easy to follow. And the views are spectacular.

We were a little early for wildflowers. Instead, I enjoyed looking for evidence of the area’s mining history, as described in the guidebook. The other half of the hike (Humbug Creek) looks to have even more mining relics (and waterfalls!), so I am looking forward to hiking that portion, soon.

Source: Evans, Stephen L. "Humbug Creek - South Yuba Trails: South Yuba Wild & Scenic River." Top Trails Sacramento. 4th ed. Birmingham: Wilderness, 2012. Print.

Length: 9.28 miles (South Yuba Trailhead to Humbug Creek Trail junction and back)

Water: South Yuba River, Kennebec Creek, North Canyon Creek, and one seasonal stream were all at medium to high flow.

Use: Moderate. We started this hike so early in the day that it was still dark (we hiked the first mile by flashlight), so I didn’t expect to see many other hikers. On our way back, we encountered one couple and a dog. At the trailhead, a meet-up group of about 10 hikers arrived as we were leaving.

Differences from published description: Be aware that the directions to park at the South Yuba Trailhead put you at the hike’s “finish.” Continue to the Humbug Trail parking if you wish to hike the trails as described in the book.

Jasper’s rating: 4 paws out of 5.

Sporty Sunday is a recurring feature in which I share my fitness routine and offer and solicit advice. While this content might seem a little out of place in an outfit diary, a healthy, strong body is the foundation of my wardrobe. I hope to inspire my readers to be fit as well as stylish!

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