
Friday, April 11, 2014

Daily Pearls

Does anyone wear real pearls anymore? I prefer the costume version. I can pile them without breaking the bank.

Shirt, Levi’s (thrifted). Skirt, Andre Oliver (thrifted and shortened). Shoes, Charles David. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, Girlprops. Necklace, Stella & Dot. Bag, Caprice Handbags (thrifted).


  1. Tammy6:32 AM

    I was horrified to read your question "Does anyone wear real pearls anymore?" The answer is a resounding yes! My college junior daughter and I wear them all the time -- in the form of the traditional 20 inch length, in a long rope of potato pearls, in the "tin cup" necklace style, and in 18 inch choker-ish style. We're on the east coast, in Virginia, but I can assure you that pearls -- real pearls -- are very much in style here. We wear them for all occasions, formal or casual. Check out some photos of college gals at the University of Virginia sometime for hundreds of examples of people, young and old, wearing this timeless gem.


  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Pearls are an excellent accessory!

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I feel I have to be too careful with real pearls (hair goop, sweat, etc), and I'm always worried they will come unknotted. I do wear them occasionally, but prefer colorful baubles more.

    BTW, still loving those shoes!


  4. Is there anything chambray doesn't look good with? It's so fun dressed up with the pearls and the skirt!
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. So classy, but not too serious with the cat/pearl earrings. :o)

  6. I adore pearls.
    Wear them about once or twice a month.
    They're not "real" but they work for me.


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