
Monday, June 23, 2014


I’m pretty sure this dress is homemade. It has no tags and the seams are unfinished. Now it looks even less factory-made because I repaired a seam with some of the largest, most uneven stitches you’ve ever seen. But it’s wearable. And no one will ever see my craptastic sewing* since I always cover that particular seam with a belt or knotted shirt.

Shirt, Christopher & Banks (thrifted). Dress, swap. Shoes, Seychelles. Bag, Melie Bianco.

*Yes, I have a sewing machine. But someone too lazy to evenly hand-stitch a six-inch stretch is also too lazy to pull out the sewing machine, set it up, relearn how to thread it, and properly repair the seam.


  1. ha,ha, love the comment about getting out the sewing machine and learning how to re-thread...I know EXACTLY what you mean! I go through that everytime I use certain gadgets

    Hint: maybe you should just leave your sewing machine on your dining room table ALL THE TIME like I do :)



    p.s. love the pics and the outfit, I really like the way you put outfits together

  2. Amazing outfit combinations. Those shoes hmmmmm!


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