
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sporty Sunday: Hiking Twin Lakes and Island Lake

Wright’s Lake, a destination in its own right, is also the starting point for multiple Desolation Wilderness hikes. The hike to Twin Lakes is one of the most popular. It’s a fairly steep (1000 foot elevation gain) 1.5 miles through mostly open granite. Both the lakes and their outflow offer opportunities to splash and cool off.

The two lakes are large enough to accommodate many visitors while maintaining a wilderness experience. But hike half a mile further to Island Lake and one really feels the peaceful quiet of the alpine. All three lakes are dotted with small rock islands that tempt the hot hiker to enter the clear, cool depths for a short swim.

The trail itself can be a little tricky to find in sections, especially over bare granite. I found Jasper to be very useful at those times! If you don’t have a trail dog, though, I recommend bringing a map to keep yourself topographically on course. It’s well worth a little “getting lost” for a dip in one of the lakes!

Source: Evans, Stephen L. "Twin Lakes Trail" Top Trails Sacramento. 4th ed. Birmingham: Wilderness, 2012. Print.

Length: 5 miles. (Hiking to Island Lake and back adds another mile.)

Water: The lakes are quite deep in places and I assume contain water in even the driest years. The outflow from Twin Lakes and nearby Grouse Lake is at about half capacity. I expect the water level in the streams will drop as our drought continues.

Use: Heavy. This is a short hike with great reward. Many hikers make the trip, despite the elevation gain. The parking lot for the trail fills up early. We try to arrive by 8 a.m. to gt a spot.

Differences from published description: None

Jasper’s rating: 5 paws out of 5.

Sporty Sunday is a recurring feature in which I share my fitness routine and offer and solicit advice. While this content might seem a little out of place in an outfit diary, a healthy, strong body is the foundation of my wardrobe. I hope to inspire my readers to be fit as well as stylish!

1 comment:

  1. I always read about your hikes with Jasper.
    I did my first hike this week and really enjoyed it.. that was i before I fell on my ass and thought for a moment that I had cracked my wrist.
    It was under the rain, uphill, a slippery mud trail - I guess that I should have picked a simpler one.


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