
Saturday, January 03, 2015

World Traveler

One of my favorite categories to thrift is “other people’s souvenirs.” It’s like a little virtual travel for me. And I feel good knowing that a piece of someone’s beloved trip lives on in my possession. On my last thrifting excursion, I scored an embellished straw bag from St Maarten and this Peruvian sweater.

Coat, Dex (swap). Sweater, thrifted. Skirt, American Eagle (thrifted). Leggings, We Love Colors. Boots, Style & Co (thrifted). Bag, thrifted. Owl brooch, swap. Disney pins, Disneyland. Necklace, gift.

365 photos from the last three days:

Jasper turned 2. We went on a snow hike. Beefy and I won a free meal at Skip’s Kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. I love to thrift souvenir scarves and tea towels. :o) I'd like to eventually visit all the places I've already collected souvenirs from. :o)



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