
Friday, February 13, 2015

I Heart Star Wars: Blasters and Lightsabers

You’d think that in the battle between blasters and lightsabers, blasters would win. After all, it’s essentially guns vs swords. The Stormtroopers have the guns and the Jedi have the swords. So why do the Jedi win? Because the Stormtrooper armor is a handicap. It restricts visibility, inhibits mobility, and, apparently, deflects nothing. It just gets in the way, ensuring the Stormtroopers are a bunch of bumbling idiots. Meanwhile, the Jedi are somersaulting, dancing, and cutting down the enemy.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Blouse, Victoria’s Secret. Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Shoes, Kelly and Katie. Sunglasses, Target. Pin, Disney. Bag, Merona.

The lightsaber is certainly the more elegant weapon. But, all other things being equal, blasters are better at wounding and killing.

Enough about weapons. Let’s talk hair. I can’t wait to make mine pink.

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