
Thursday, April 02, 2015

40 B4 40: Five Month Progress

I neglected to give a 4-month update on my 40 before 40 project, but I’m still working on it! This is my progress through the end of March:

2. Skydive or hanglide - Beefy gave me a skydiving gift certificate for Christmas. I plan to go in May.

3. Take a Napa wine tour - we have reservations at Paraduxx for our anniversary.

6. Snowshoe - Done!

9. Compete in an agility competition - We plan to do a fun match in May.

10. Renew my passport - All materials are gathered and in an envelope. I just need to take it to the post office during the appropriate hours.

11. Pose for a photo with Mickey Mouse - Done!

12. Attend a Comicon - The Wizard World Comic Con Sacramento is scheduled for June 19-21, 2015.

13. Dye my hair pink - Planned for this month.

14. Teach Jasper to walk nicely on a leash - maybe I should have chosen Jackson for this project because he is coming along nicely.

15. Do a 365 Photo project - daily picture success! Find my photos here.

17. Take a sewing class - I postponed my class. I need to reschedule.

18. Meditate - I used the Stillness, Stability, and Balance guided meditation from Meditation Oasis one evening at TxSC CAMP. I’ve also downloaded the Headspace app and plan to do the free 10-day trial.

19. See a live concert - we have tickets for Apocalyptica on Thursday.

20. Go to a hot air balloon festival - The Sonoma County Hot Air Ballon Festival is in June.

21. Learn to 2-finger whistle - Done!

22. Do the splits - I almost have my left split. The right side is tighter.

24. Finish making all the burgers in Veggie Burgers Every Which Way - in February and March, I made Tofu and Chard Burgers and Baked Quinoa Burgers (my favorite so far, despite being too salty). Next up: Red Lentil and Celery Root Burgers, Best Portobello Burgers, and Pub Grub Veggie Burgers.

25. Write one special content blog post per month - Done.

27. Wallpaper a wall - I’ve chosen the wall (in my bathroom) and am deciding between two patterns.

28. Participate in Toastmasters - I gave my first speech in March and I’ll give my second in April. I’ve also served as jokemaster, grammarian, and pledge/inspiration at meetings.

29. Ride a horse - I SAT on a horse at TxSC CAMP, but I wouldn’t qualify it as a horse “ride.”

32. Practice ambidexterity - I’ve been limited myself to only throwing the frisbee with my left hand. It has the added bonus of leaving my right hand free of slobber/dirt/grass to more easily take action shots with my phone.

35. See a drive-in movie - Done!

37. Practice lucid dreaming - I’ve been practicing dream journaling, but have been unable to take control, yet, in my dreams.

39. Send out holiday cards - Done!

40. Guest appear on a podcast - Done!

1 comment:

  1. You're making excellent progress! It must help to have a list (and blog readers) to help keep you on track :)


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