
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lift and Shout

I wore this outfit because I knew I had to deliver a large display to a customer. I chose a jersey dress to stretch with me as I lifted the display out of my car, a longer length skirt to keep me covered as I bent over, flat shoes to make carrying the extra weight bearable, and a jacket to cover the excessive boobage revealed by the wrap dress V. It turns out that I WAY overthought things. The display, while large and bulky, turned out to be very light and easily dragged. The whole delivery process took two minutes or less. I probably could have done it in a pencil skirt and heels.

Jacket, Mossimo. Dress, Merona (shortened). Boots, Madden Girl. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings, vintage. Bracelets, consignment and Tala’s Distant Treasures. Bag, Melie Bianco.

For once, though, my outfit was comfortable enough to wear past the end of the workday, to Toastmasters, where I gave the educational spotlight on Power Poses:

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