
Saturday, May 02, 2015

40 B4 40: 6 Month Progress

I’m freaking out a little . . . I’m halfway through the time period for my 40 before 40 project. Some of the projects are long-term (like the lucid dreaming), so I don’t expect completion until near the end of the year. This is my progress so through May 2nd:

2. Skydive or hanglide - I have an appointment to jump out of a plane on May 23rd.

3. Take a Napa wine tour - Done!

6. Snowshoe - Done!

9. Compete in an agility competition - Done! (Although it was a “fun match,” not a competition. No ribbons were awarded.)

10. Renew my passport - All materials are gathered and in an envelope. I walked into a passport office in April and immediately walked out. The tiny, unventilated room was full of people who hadn’t showered in at least a few days. I couldn’t take it.

11. Pose for a photo with Mickey Mouse - Done!

12. Attend a Comicon - The Wizard World Comic Con Sacramento is scheduled for June 19-21, 2015.

13. Dye my hair pink - Postponed until July.

14. Teach Jasper to walk nicely on a leash - As long as there is cheese, he behaves beautifully.

15. Do a 365 Photo project - Daily picture success! Find my photos here.

17. Take a sewing class - I postponed my class. I need to reschedule.

18. Meditate - I tried the Headspace app once and fell asleep. I may need to drink coffee before my next attempt.

19. See a live concert - We bought tickets for Apocalyptica, but only made it through a couple of numbers by the opening band before the crowds, noise, and “late hour” got to us.

20. Go to a hot air balloon festival - The Sonoma County Hot Air Ballon Festival is in June.

21. Learn to 2-finger whistle - Done!

22. Do the splits - I almost have my left split. The right side is tighter.

24. Finish making all the burgers in Veggie Burgers Every Which Way - In April, I made the: Red Lentil and Celery Root Burgers, Best Portobello Burgers, and Pub Grub Veggie Burgers. Next up: Tortilla-Crusted Stuffed Portobello Burgers, Beet “Tartare,” and Smoked Tofu Burgers.

25. Write one special content blog post per month - Done? In April, the only “special” post I wrote was my 5 month progress on my 40 B4 40 project.

27. Wallpaper a wall - I’m ordering Flavor Paper’s City Park paper in Dark Chocolate.

28. Participate in Toastmasters - I given two speeches. I’ve also served as evaluator, jokemaster, grammarian, and pledge/inspiration at meetings.

29. Ride a horse - I SAT on a horse at TxSC CAMP, but I wouldn’t qualify it as a horse “ride.”

32. Practice ambidexterity - My left hand activities: throw a frisbee, sling a ball, make checkmarks.

35. See a drive-in movie - Done!

39. Send out holiday cards - Done!

40. Guest appear on a podcast - Done!


  1. I love that wallpaper! But I'd have to order the "rat-less" option.

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Watching you complete this list is so inspiring! I need to do a 30-before-30 one (yes, I'm a baby, I apologize for nothing).

  3. Is it possible for you to renew your passport by mail? Most people can!

    1. I lost my expired passport in the move to California, so I have to apply in person. :(

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I love that wallpaper too! And I even like the rats! Can't wait to see that on one of your walls!!

    I think you're doing really well! I'm inspired and motivated by your progress.



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