
Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Big Butts

This is my “big butt” skirt. I’m afraid you have to scroll down to the second photo to see its glory.

Shirt, Mossimo. Skirt, Andre Oliver (thrifted and shortened). Boots, Madden Girl. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings, Pangaea. Necklace, Zad.

Jackson also has a big butt, but, like me, he doesn’t let that hold him back. I had high hopes for my new pet barrier keeping him in the backseat of the car. It worked until I parked at the dry cleaner, a couple of miles from my house. Then, he hopped over the barrier and planted himself in the front seat. The better to slobber on me and shed on the upholstery.

*sigh* . . . back to the harness and tether. (The picture of him behind the barrier is my 365.)


  1. OMG.... I have one velvet pillow and one nice sofa that I cover because they are delicate and NOT meant for dogs..... when I go out and Mr. Dog is peeved, guess what he does? Yeah, he REMOVES the covers and sits on them. :(

  2. Anonymous7:15 PM

    He is such a pretty dog

    Erma K,TX


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