
Friday, June 05, 2015

Fringed Suede Vest

I think of this fringed, suede vest as a costume piece. The vest’s last owner bought it to dress as Pocahontas for Halloween. Then, she lent it to a cast member in A Piece of My Heart to wear as a peace-loving, 60’s country western singer. After the production wrapped up, I convinced its owner to swap for one of my skirts.

Vest, Sasson (vintage swap). Dress, Under Skies (consignment). Shoes, Seychelles. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, vintage. Bag, Melie Bianco.

Here’s the vest on stage:

I’ve only worn it twice before, in three years. Shame, shame, shame.

Today’s 365 is the oddest representation of a hair salon I’ve ever seen:

No fringed, suede vests here.


  1. Such a nice representation!Interesting story about the vest.

  2. ah where is that!!! I KNOW I've been in the presence of that picture!!!

    1. The bathroom of a salon in Woodland. Near main and 3d, I believe.


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