
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hello, Hatface

Except for one thing, Hello Monkeyface was an unremarkable style blog for 2011. A thin, young, blonde woman posted her office-friendly looks. The one thing, though, was both charming and mysterious; Monk always concealed her face with a cheeky monkey mask. I was never sure if the mask was physical or a post-production addition. If it was real, she had a few, all with long-lashed eyes but different mouth expressions. Her outfits were nice and her writing was entertaining, but I was jealous of the mask. I started blogging from the beginning with my real face and name, so charming mystery will never be my thing.

Dress, Peter Som for Kohls. Shoes, Nine West. Hat, Charming Charlie. Sunglasses, Jessica Simpson. Belt, thrifted. Bag, Croft & Barrow.

Her blog has been wiped from the internet, but I seem to remember an unmasking at some point. Maybe there was a scandal? I lost interest once the monkey face was gone.

I’m hiding behind sunglasses and a hat, today, but I’m still easily recognizable. No Hello Hatface for me!


  1. I started following Hello Monkeyface not long after I started following your blog. While her "face" was certainly more memorable than her outfits, her posts helped me figure out my professional style in an office of middle aged women who bought their black dress pants by the crate and paired them with crocs. While her outfits may have been "unremarkable" to you, they still resonate with me years later :)

  2. I remember Hello Monkey Face. I just remember the face, not the outfits I did a quick google image search. Some of her images are still lurking about.


    1. Yes, she did a few guest posts and those images still come up since they were hosted on someone else's site. She did a clean scrub of her own work, though!

  3. I loved that blog! After the unmasking, she quitted it and began a new one, with just humor content. It was truly hilarious. However, I think she started searching for some 'serious' job and removed everything from Internet. Such a pity!


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