
Saturday, February 06, 2016


I love having my writing group meeting to attend on Saturdays because it gives me a reason to wear something other than snuggly pants and a sweatshirt on the weekends. I suppose I could show up in my loungewear, but I feel like less of a hack when I dress a bit more nicely.

Blazer, J Crew (consignment). Dress, Express. Belt, thrifted. Boots, Ariat. Sunglasses Giselle. Earrings, consignment.

I felt especially literary in my new-to-me J Crew Hacking blazer. It was only $22 at My Sister’s Closet. I did exceed my $25 monthly budget by also buying these $8 earrings.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    You look decidedly un-hack in this outfit! I would definitely take another look if I saw you in this on the back cover.



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