
Monday, March 21, 2016


I wouldn’t classify myself as an “adrenaline junkie,” but I do like to break the rules. Admitted to a secure building for a meeting on the first floor, I boldly traveled to the 8th floor twice (once for tea and once for the bathroom). When security confronted me about my off-route movements, I simply explained myself (but secretly relished getting away with it).

Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Blouse, Romeo & Juliet Couture. Belt, thrifted. Leggings, Express. Boots, Joe’s. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings, Stardust Remembered.

Next, I dodged another security force twice to snap quick pics in a parking garage. My remote was a casualty of the endorphin rush, but it was worth it.

365 catchup:

Jasper is progressing well with his horse socialization and enjoys the game of “find a horse.” My trip to the eighth floor cafe provided a peek at the lunchtime reading of the building’s occupants.

1 comment:

  1. I was actually on top of a parking deck the other day (because all the lower spots were full) and as I got out thinking "ick, my car will get hot," I also thought:"If I were Kasmira, I would be whipping out a camera and photographing myself!" And then I thought:"no way I would do that; people would stare at me and/or run me over." So kudos for all your bravery.


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