
Friday, April 22, 2016

Seeing Stars

We had a cool, wet, windy Friday and I was glad for another chance to wear my star sweater before summer. (Probably the last wear of this houndstooth sweater skirt, too.)

Jacket, REI. Sweater, Full Tilt (thrifted). Skirt, Outlander (thrifted and gifted). Tights, Me Moi. Boots, Lauren Ralph Lauren. Sunglasses, Coco Sunglasses. Earrings, Stardust Remembered. Bag, Target.

I saw a star of another sort Friday night when Beefy and I watched his friend in her one woman show, Arlington. I might have done a little exploring on the way to the bathroom and found this corner, completely plastered in show posters.

1 comment:

  1. Houndstooth and stars ! Who'd ever think that it would look so fab ?!


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