
Friday, May 06, 2016


Sour beers are the new IPA. I love a bitter brew, myself, but find the sour a refreshing change. They aren’t very popular yet, which makes the hunt for a sour beer all the more fun.

Jacket, Mossimo. Skirt, Miss Avenue (consignment). Boots, Lauren Ralph Lauren. Sunglasses, Coco Sunglasses. Brooch, vintage. Bag, Nordstrom Rack.

We went to Cafeteria for dinner and I was disappointed that there were no sour beers on offer. I made do with IPA. Do you prefer sour or bitter?


  1. I can't drink beer anymore (allergic to hops, it gives me hives), but I love hard cider. I would LOVE a sour cider! Yum!

  2. I don't tend to drink beer that much now. The last time I was out for a meal and had something alcoholic I had a black lager. The one I had the menu describes as
    "A deep dark Czech style lager, roasted and caramelised malts give chocolate and coffee flavours & a lasting cappuccino style collar of foam. " It was very nice.

    Living in the UK we have a number of breweries that produce beers that have some interesting flavours. Interesting American beers you don't tend to find as much.

    When I was in Vermont several years ago I was lucky to try some beer from a local brewery. Not as good as what I would have been able to get at home but very enjoyable. Finding Guiness and also Boddingtons in a local bar was a fun experience, the former being an especially nice find, the latter not so much as its not the greatest beer over here.

  3. Michelle...4:16 PM

    I am down with the sours!
    Can't do IPAs no matter how many times I've tried. The hops seem to smack me in the nose.
    We've got some excellent sours available here in NZ. So good on a summer's day after a hard run/ride.

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Super late to this, but Sierra Nevada's Otra Vez is tremendous. --Carrie

    1. I love Otra Vex but it doesn't have wide distribution.


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