
Monday, October 03, 2016

Back in Hats

What do you get when you let your undercut grow out for six months? A hair disaster! I’m in hats until my haircut appointment.

Hat, Free Press. Shirt, Salt Valley (consignment). Shorts, Forever 21. Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Vince Camuto. Necklace, vintage. Bag, Rebecca Minkoff. Belt, thrifted.

I’m slowly getting back into the groove. I’m resuming old habits and picking up new ones, like accompanying Beefy on his evening walk with the dogs. I got him to pick up a new habit, too: petty larceny. Is it really stealing when the tree hangs over the fence onto public property? These pomegranates would just have rotted on the ground if we hadn’t picked them, first.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Welcome back, Kasmira!

  2. Welcome back. I loved the Yosemite pics, but missed the outfits.


  3. Helen4:10 PM

    Wow, the summer has gone so fast. I'm looking forward to your resumed outfit posts but it'll be hard to top the glorious photographs from your final hikes; I live in the UK and am very envious of your spectacular national parks. If you're about to start job hunting then good luck.

  4. Welcome back! Has it been weird wearing make-up, non-hiking/camping clothes and doing your hair again? I've been growing out my hair as well, and eep, it's so frustrating.

    Love this casual vibe!

  5. Nice to have you back! See what you will be into next! I let my hair grow grey too.

  6. Tiffany9:05 AM

    Welcome back! I've enjoyed following your summer adventure. So happy you were able to take time away to follow your dream.

  7. Great to see you're back !
    I would say its not stealing, but you can always knock on the door and ask for some. I went by a home that had 3 huge mango trees up front and the ground was just covered by huge juicy mangos. I knocked on the door and they guy was so happy that someone wanted his mangos that he helped fill up about 6 bags...


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