
Saturday, October 08, 2016

I Like Big Bags

Is there anything better than carrying a giant bag? I managed to fit a cutting board, 12-inch knife, and loaf of apricot-orange bread in this wool blanket bag. I wouldn’t take those contents through airport security, but I did take them to my Masters swim social.

Jacket, Mossimo. Dress, Express. Boots, Madden Girl. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings and brooch, vintage. Belt, Lucky Brand (consignment). Bag, El Paso Saddleblanket Co.

I think Jackson could smell the lingering odor of warm quick bread because he was awfully snuggly at picture time.

Too bad I couldn’t fit my egg white powder in here, too. I’m working on getting HUGE!


  1. I adore big bags Kasmira. It keeps me from looking messy by carrying everything in one place. However sometimes I put things in my bag that I am not supposed to. Like the time I threw in a tupperware with lentil soup and it opened inside my bag...

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I love roomy bags! While I don't always fill them, I like the option of being able to carry lots of things, or to stuff smaller purchases in there. And since I'm always with a large water bottle and a book, it's very handy.

    Does the eggwhite powder have a flavor at all? How well does it dissolve? I'm looking for new protein sources and I haven't tried this one.


    1. I blend it in a magic bullet and it blends up foamy and well. No taste that I can detect.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Love that brooch with that military-style jacket!

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    From sylscloud- I loved your Yosmite blogging and it is nice to see
    your inspiring dressing again along with the environment you inhabit.


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