
Monday, October 24, 2016

Rainy Day Curls

When rain is in the forecast, I either reach for the curling iron or a hat. Sleek, straight hair is an impossibility when a storm front moves in.

Poncho, Aziza. Shirt, Jones New York (thrifted). Skirt, Bass (thrifted). Boots, Steve Madden. Earrings, Stardust Remembered. Bag, Rebecca Minkoff.

I can’t complain about the rain. We need it, and we had beautiful weather for the weekend!

My volunteer group took ten kids to Point Reyes on Saturday. Some of them had never been to the ocean before!

Beefy and I took a photography class on Sunday. Afterwards, I played “model.”

Do I really need an excuse for curls?


  1. No excuse for curls needed - they look great on you. My hair never stays curled (sigh). Love that poncho!

    1. Thanks! I think my curls stay so well because my ends are so fried. Doh.

  2. Oh i just love that shot of you playing model - those colours look marvellous.
    I have zero curl hopes, they don't last more than 10 minutes.

    1. You just need more damaged hair to keep the curl. At one point, I thought I might accidentally burn off a lock when the iron got tangled in my dry ends.

  3. Of all the hairstyles and colors I've seen you wear over the years this one, either straight or curly, is my absolute favorite! You look fabulous and so does the poncho!

    1. Thanks! I think ponchos are "in" again. Even if not, I love to wear them in the fall.


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