
Friday, October 14, 2016

Under the Bridge

You never know what you might find under the bridge. A man, parked in his car, smoking a joint. A shrine made from stones, crayfish claws, and a beer bottle cap. An oddly dressed woman posing for an unmanned tripod.

Coat, Lilli Ann San Francisco (vintage). Sweater, Full Tilt (thrifted). Striped tee, American Apparel. Shorts, Lassie. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Sam Edelman. Earrings, Claire’s. Bag, Rebecca Minkoff.

I took a picture of the shrine for you and snapchatted the woman (whatiwore2day). The pot-smoker spooked and drove away.


  1. I'm glad you are back. The Yellowstone pics were lovely, but the bridge comments are cool too ...


  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    you're wonderful as ever


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