
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Blood Red Olive Drab

On November 10th, we celebrated the US Marine Corps’ 241st birthday. I was a Marine for less than five years, and left the service 12 years ago, but I like to recognize the occasion each year. Or maybe I mostly like to play dress up with my service cap. We were required to buy it as a part of our uniform kit, but I never got to wear it!

Jacket and dress, Mossimo. Plaid tunic, Forever 21. Boots, Vince Camuto. Brooch, vintage.

The service cap doesn’t really work for civilian wear, but I do like to pose with it.

The USMC celebrates its birthday with a ball every year. I think my favorite ball was the one I got to attend with my mom, in Okinawa, Japan:


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