
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Dogwalk to Sidewalk

I look completely unpresentable after agility. I treat Jasper with chicken and wipe my greasy hands on the utility vest I wear for class. Still, my fingers retain a film that attracts dirt from the dusty arena. It takes all my discipline not to brush hair from my eyes and inadvertently smear the dirt and grease across my face and in my hair. The dirt coats my shoes and sticks to my jeans when I kneel or squat to give Jasper attention. To quote my friend, Lauren, I look “totally homeless” by the time class concludes.

Usually, this isn’t an issue since I go from agility to bed (sometimes changing, first), but there is the rare occasion when class is held in the daytime and I might like to go somewhere afterwards. For this transition, I changed footwear and threw a nice poncho over my jeans and hoodie. I dusted off the jeans and stashed the greasy utility vest in my trunk. I won’t win any style awards, but I look like I at least tried to be presentable.

Poncho, Christopher & Banks (gift). Hoodie and tee, Mossimo. Jeans, Old Navy. Booties, Blondo. Sunglasses, Earthbound Trading Co. Bag, Steve Madden.

For those unfamiliar with the sport of dog agility, the green thing in the background of the below picture is a “dogwalk:”

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