
Friday, January 19, 2007

Breaking Lucky's Rules

Multicolored tweed jacket, The Limited. Pink camisole, Deep Los Angeles. Long, beige skirt, Casual Corner. Brown boots, Nine West. Pink beads and brown headband, Claire’s Boutique.

Here I am breaking two of the rules in The Lucky Shopping Manual. First, I haven’t buttoned the top button of my blazer. I almost never button the top because the result just isn’t flattering on my body type. I fasten the button nearest my waist to define it and then leave the upper button unfastened so that the jacket bows out a bit, giving me the illusion of a larger chest. The result is curvy silhouette. If I buttoned the entire jacket, I’d be shapeless. The second rule I’ve broken is wearing heels with a long skirt. Lucky advises flats. I’m stumped as to why (ha, ha, unintentional pun!) I don’t think I have ever worn flats to work; I need all the height I can get. Generally, I enjoyed the Manual, and found the advice on proportions to be very good. I just happened to dress defiantly today.

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