
Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Am Ginger

White gown, thrifted.

I was invited to the Tri-County Player’s annual winter party. We were directed to dress as our favorite “character.” I wasn’t sure whether the character should be from a book, movie, television, or theater, but I figured I covered at least the last three by dressing as Ginger from Gilligan’s Island (because the series not only spawned a movie, but also a musical!) This costume was really easy. All I needed was a gown ($4) and fake eyelashes ($3). Amazingly, despite drinking red wine and eating chocolate cheesecake, I didn’t spill a single thing on my white dress.


  1. This picture literally took my breath away! Beautiful!

    Ginger (the slut/flirt) is much more fun to play than MaryAnn (the girl next door) :)


  2. Thanks for the compliment! It must have been a little less impressive in real life, because no one really commented on my appearance at the party.

  3. they must have been intimidated!

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Jeez Kasmira!
    You are one gorgeous gal!
    Your face, your body, your killer looks and everything!
    I just love all your clothes. I'm more biased with the outfits that contain shorter skirts and your legs encased in nylon!
    Sorry, I just have quite a nylon fetish!
    Get in touch if you want to chat!
    Kate C

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

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  6. Nice maxi dress and I love the hair, here.


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