
Friday, April 20, 2007

Missoni-esque Wrap Dress

Missoni-eque wrap dress, Lipstick. Silk and cashmere cardigan, The Limited. Aqua peep-toe pumps, Wild Diva. Turquoise moth medallion necklace, Anthropologie.

I try to stay away from the mall (and Target and thrift stores) because I cannot resist the urge to buy. Back in February when it was freaking cold, there was nothing else to do but shop, so I brought home all sorts of deals. Most of the clothing was for spring/summer, so it languished in my closet. As the weather warms up, I promised myself that I would only wear one new thing a week. I love the thrill of wearing something new, but hate paying my credit card bill, so I’m trying to prolong the pleasure and keep myself from buying anything else for a long while.

On Tuesday, I wore my new coral shirt, so I was supposed to wear only old things for the rest of the week. However, when I heard that Friday was supposed to hit near 70 degrees, I couldn’t resist pulling out this wrap dress that I bought two months ago. It was a real steal: $7.99 at Body Central! It’s okay that I broke the rules just this once, isn’t it?


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I love that dress sooooo much :D

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I want those shoes!

  3. It is truly OK you broke the rules and OMG that dress must be THE STEAL OF THE CENTURY, Girlfriend. Plus it's so pretty, fun & psychedelic.


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