
Monday, July 16, 2007

Fashion Lady's Swirly Dress

Red and white printed dress, Do & Be (borrowed). Khaki slingbacks, Linea Paolo. Rhinestone leaf and branch earrings, Camp Foster PX.

This is Fashion Lady’s dress. We conducted a swap last Friday and I now have loads of loverly things to wear. I got many compliments on this dress and I really like it myself. I’ve found that it’s still available and on sale. Fashion Lady said it was okay for me to have the same dress as her, but I think she was just being nice.

Should I buy the swirly dress?
Yes - you look fabu!
Yes, but get it in black and white.
No way! Don't be a biter. free polls


  1. It looks great on you! I like how you tied it in front.

    I won't vote cause I might be biased :)

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Seriously, where is that dress from? I love it? By the way, you should come back to @forumz!

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    love love love the dress on you


  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Yes! And I want one too!

  5. this is beautiful! i want one! where can i buy one like this? and btw,youre a genius, so creative and inspiring! didnt u think of starting your own clothing line=)

  6. I think the dress was from Go Jane, but I doubt it's still available. It's worth checking out!


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