
Monday, December 03, 2007

Express Purple

Striped blazer, Merona. Purplish turtleneck sweater and tights, Express. Khaki strapless dress, Newport News. Brown boots, Nine West. Green belt with leaf closure, H&M. Leaf tracery earrings, Claire’s.

I keep telling you I hate purple, and yet I end up wearing it. In my defense, when I bought this sweater three years ago I thought it was more of a burgundy shade. The tights (new) also seemed more red than purple when I bought them. It must be the lighting in Express.

Detail of the jacket pattern and belt.


  1. Very cute! I don't know why you hate purple, it look smashing on you.

    Off topic, any tips for getting a good pic? I know I need a tripod (or at least a taller table) but anything else?

  2. Those tights are awesome! I love how the subtle patterns in this outfit really make it specialy and visually appealing :)


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