
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Marengo Cave

Blouse, Charlotte Russe. Tank, No Boundaries. Shorts, Old Navy. Wedges, Montego Bay Club (I’m so sad they are falling apart!) Necklace, Urban Outfitters. Sunnies, free from the USMC uniform shop on Camp Foster.

We’re going on our first vacation in a year and a half! Mike and I both love caves, so we’re visiting the caves in Southern Indiana. We are also celebrating our fourth anniversary. We spent a few courting trips visiting the Gyokosendo Cave in Okinawa and saw Jewel Cave (South Dakota) on our honeymoon. Caving on our anniversary is only fitting. To be clear, we are not spelunkers. We’re of the guided tour variety, with the exception of a harrowing, unguided excursion through the Ape Cave with small children.

This pose is for the ladies on the Makeup Alley Fashion Board complaining about my pigeon toe/jgirl poses. When I started this blog, most of my poses were in fourth position, with proper turnout. I quickly bored of the same old pose and started mixing it up by imitating some of the positions I saw on Wardrobe Remix, including a few pigeon toed stances. While I don’t normally stand (or walk or run) with my toes pointed in, it does have a few advantages in photos:
1. It shows off your shoes.
2. It creates interesting leg lines.
3. The position looks more casual, less studied.
4. Some people say it makes one’s thighs look smaller.
There has also been a discussion on turned in toes on Wardrobe Remix.


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Can you come and do my garden? So jealous.

  2. What a fun vacation!! Marengo Caves is pretty close to Louisville and I think I went there on a field trip years and years ago.

    You know, I don't even pay attention to your poses that much - I look at YOU. People are silly - do what you want!

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    i love this outfit!

  4. Have a great relaxing vacation.

    My own opinion on the pigeon toed stance that's so popular on the street fashion sites-- i don't like it. It's a fake take on shy/innocent/little girlism.
    If we're mature women, let's act like it.

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I love your style and I think your poses are great... you mix them up quite well, I think. :)

    Have a great vacation!!!

  6. I hope you don't mind but I mentioned your blog in mine today. Happy Vacation!

  7. I love your poses, your outfit, your style. I love that you were in the service but still so girlie and cute. I think you are fabulous. Stand any way you want honey. Screw what people say. I think its funny that everyone thinks that their opinion actually matters. I prefer the " if you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all". Rude people deserve to just f off!

  8. Can you help me put outfits together every morning?! I absolutely love your website.

    Oh how I wish I had even an iota of the talent you do for dressing up!

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Wow, who pays attention to your stances? And has time to criticize them? Come on, people, get a life!

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation. I love caves, too, & my favorite visit was when my graduate SedPet (geology) class got to go into the lower levels (not open to the public) of Carlsbad Caverns. It was amazing.

    I do have to admit, though, that while I absolutely love your blog & really enjoy seeing what you are wearing (& reading your stories about the outfit), I also really dislike the pigeon-toed poses; they totally creep me out - not just yours but every one's. They look disturbingly like everyone is trying to be a little girl again rather than a grown woman. You are just beautiful with lovely posture & I would so much rather see that than a pose that looks like you should be holding a giant lollipop (it's a little too Edith Ann for me). I also think these poses don't show the clothes off as well as say 3/4 poses do. And before everyone jumps all over me, I also realize this is just my opinion & that this is Kasmira's blog.

  11. Well, I'm glad "the stance" has been addressed because I just wondered if it was natural or not. Check out Mammoth Caves Kentucky. They have the "easy walking tours" and the "wild cave tour" where you can get down and dirty crawling through small spaces, but don't have to have any caving experience at the same time. It's a wonderful cave with a working cafeteria deep inside! Anyway, have a great trip! What do you wear caving, I wonder?

  12. Check out Ohio Caverns, and while you're at it, the Piatt Castles!

  13. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Ouch, people are a little harsh on that site. I say kudos to you for posting your photos despite the criticism. It's impossible to please everyone.

    I, for one, enjoy your blog and think you have great style.

  14. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Kasmira, I give you huge props for putting yourself out here for all to see. I am always amazed at those that feel it necessary to share their criticism (and isn't it ironic that most of the time it is by "anonymous"). Now as for your outfits, I find myself inspired day after day to try different color combos and layering based on things that I see here. Thanks, K - you rock!

  15. I have to comment on the toeing in because I have always liked the way it looked! It doesn't scream "little girl" to me.

    Then again, I am naturally pigeon-toed still at 32. I have always tried to correct my stance, and after seeing your photos, I decided toe-ing in actually looked good! I now get so many comments on my cutes shoes and losing weigh.

    I look at your site daily as I LOVE your style, the colors you put together, and of course, your hair. Mine is a similar shade of red (from henna, though), and I think you look positively fab in the color. :)

  16. What a darling outfit. And I like your poses, I think they are cute and you always look very sophisticated and confident.

  17. This is my favorite outfit so far -been following for a couple of months. You look casual, but pulled together.


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